Vaughan & Bushnell Planes On eBay

Vaughan & Bushnell Plane Value Guide

Though nowhere near as common as handplanes by larger manufacturers such as Stanley, Sargent or Millers Falls, Vaughan & Bushnell planes do turn up on ebay every now and then. Largely they go unnoticed by most collectors due to the lack of information about them. However, those in the know realize just how great these planes are – especially the 900 and 700 series. These are every bit as good as the best Stanley Bedrocks (which everyone seems to want) with the added bonus that the the bodies on these planes are virtually unbreakable should they ever have the misfortune to fall to the ground. OK, so they might rust a little faster than your typical cast iron planes but, if you look after them right, you won’t have to worry too much about that.

Because they’re not that sought after by the masses you can usually pick up a bargain or two if you’re lucky. Did I mention that they’re virtually unbreakable?

A list of Vaughan & Bushnell planes on offer right now on eBay

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